We are thrilled to announce the development of CREB® Chat, our innovative new chat platform for CREB®Link. As we build this tool, we would like to offer you the opportunity to be a part of this exciting journey by becoming a beta tester.

CREB® NEWS June 14, 2023 CREB®'s BDLSC wants to hear from you
After the recent by-election, CREB®’s Board Development and Leadership Standing Committee (BDLSC) conducted a comprehensive review. Recognizing the importance of transparent governance and member engagement, the committee saw an opportunity to shed light on its purpose and highlight the requirements for serving on the board.

ETCETERA May 15, 2023 Victoria Day hours

COURSES AND EVENTS May 09, 2023 Take the lead
Our industry is constantly evolving, so it's crucial that we recruit a strong mix of talent to successfully take CREB® into the future.

CREB® NEWS May 04, 2023 Director by-election results
The results are in, and CREB®’s ninth board of directors member has been decided by the membership!

CREB® NEWS May 02, 2023 Response to query at CREB® AGM
At the AGM on April 20, 2023, a member suggested that a legal proceeding she was involved in with the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton a few years ago was relevant to CREB®’s decision not to place a motion from a member on the AGM agenda.

CREB® NEWS April 27, 2023 Investing in future scholars
Julia St Louis was the recipient of CREB®’s Karen Gammie Graduate Scholarship in 2023.

COURSES AND EVENTS April 27, 2023 Calling all commercial REALTORS®
If you’ve been delaying making the jump into commercial real estate or are seeking a refresher, this course is for you!

CREB® NEWS April 27, 2023 Meet your candidates
Nominations are in – and so are the candidate profiles for the 2023 Board of Directors by-election.

TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY April 18, 2023 CARA lockbox access
If you plan to show properties that are accessible only by a non-SentriLock lockbox, then it’s your responsibility to have the necessary tools in place to facilitate property access.