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Showing articles tagged Tools & Technology
In the lead up to CREB®’s migration to Pillar 9™, we’re providing tech tips for our members so that everyone is ready to transition to the new MLS® System.

Jump on the wave of the future and visit the new Pillar 9™ website – available today.

Commercial vs Land – ensure your listings are uploaded into the appropriate category in Matrix™ with these Member Practice guidelines.

 Any photo descriptions that you put in Matrix™ will now transfer over to the same listing on

Are you new to CREB® or looking for support to help you with Matrix™? CREB® has a solution! Download the new WalkMe™ browser extension.

Recently there was an update to the occupancy field in Matrix™, changing the field from mandatory to optional. After reviewing member feedback, CREB® is pleased to report the field is once again mandatory, with the option to select “undisclosed.” 

Entering a property’s occupancy is now an optional field in Matrix™, and there’s a number of reasons for this change.

On March 12 Matrix™ will be updated to version 8.3.7. Matrix will be unavailable for about 30 minutes beginning at 10:00 a.m.

With over a year of using RECA’s RMS (Residential Measurement Standards), some members are asking how these measurements affect property style identification in Matrix™ – particularly with above and below grade measurements. 

A picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine the impact measurement diagrams have on your listings. 

On August 8, 2018, when members log into CREA WEBForms® they will automatically be redirected to the new CREA WEBForms® experience. WEBForms® Classic will no longer be accessible.

The mandatory implementation for measurement supplements is just around the corner (Thursday, Feb.1). To upload your RMS measurements to listings, follow these five easy steps. 

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