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Showing articles tagged CREB®

The regularly scheduled March 28 board of directors meeting came shortly after the March 15 Special General Meeting, which provided some time to think about the historic decision members made. 

The results of the multimedia links audit are in - take a look at the results.

The upcoming by-election is a great opportunity to review how our association works. In fact, how we operate is based on legislated requirements and a proven governance framework.

The CREB® Board of Directors has terminated the Directorship of Jason Bamlett, based on breaches of the Director’s Code of Conduct. This decision is effective immediately.

Sharpen your skills and gain a fresh perspective for your practice with CREB®'s upcoming courses.

Grow your knowledge by attending one, or all of CREB®'s spring legal series courses!

Our message was clear from the start. 

Spring is in the air and so are new CREB®'s courses for you to invest in yourself and grow your business.

CREB®’s board of directors have voted in their new executive leadership team for 2023.

A new year means a new group of dedicated volunteer leaders are taking the reins at CREB®.
Members will receive their CREB® and CREA annual dues statement in the next few weeks.

Looking for that perfect holiday gift for your clients? Consider giving them tickets to the Calgary Renovation Show. 

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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