The regularly scheduled March 28 board of directors meeting came shortly after the March 15 Special General Meeting, which provided some time to think about the historic decision members made.

CREB® NEWS April 18, 2023 Update from the BOD

PRACTICE ADVICE April 11, 2023 Q1 audit results

CREB® NEWS April 11, 2023 Background on minimum requirements for the by-election
The upcoming by-election is a great opportunity to review how our association works. In fact, how we operate is based on legislated requirements and a proven governance framework.

CREB® NEWS March 28, 2023 CREB® Board of Directors calls Director By-election

COURSES AND EVENTS March 28, 2023 Learn and grow with CREB® courses
Sharpen your skills and gain a fresh perspective for your practice with CREB®'s upcoming courses.

COURSES AND EVENTS March 06, 2023 Spring legal series line-up

CREB® NEWS Feb. 27, 2023 Why is CREB® dissolving a good thing?

COURSES AND EVENTS Feb. 07, 2023 Spring courses at CREB®
Spring is in the air and so are new CREB®'s courses for you to invest in yourself and grow your business.

CREB® NEWS Jan. 25, 2023 Your 2023 board
CREB®’s board of directors have voted in their new executive leadership team for 2023.

CREB® NEWS Jan. 03, 2023 Passing the torch

CREB® NEWS Jan. 03, 2023 2023 annual member dues

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Dec. 19, 2022 The perfect holiday gift idea
Looking for that perfect holiday gift for your clients? Consider giving them tickets to the Calgary Renovation Show.