COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Sept. 27, 2022 Winner, winner, turkey dinner

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Sept. 20, 2022 Highlighting REALTORS® in the community

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Aug. 09, 2022 A new place to play
Ronald McDonald House’s new playroom is starting to come together thanks to the support of local REALTORS® like you.

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT June 28, 2022 50/50 now open!
The Calgary Stampede is just around the corner, and you can support local housing and shelter charities by purchasing a 50/50 ticket through CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation’s latest raffle!
On behalf of local REALTORS®, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation awarded Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta (RMHC) a $1 million Legacy Grant for its Calgary House expansion.


CREB® NEWS Nov. 30, 2021 REALTORS® give back on Giving Tuesday
Today is the ninth annual Giving Tuesday, a global generosity movement that encourages companies, charities and individuals to give back to their communities and support favourite causes.

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT July 06, 2021 REALTORS® invest in affordable housing
On behalf of Calgary-and-area REALTORS®, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is proud to announce HomeSpace Society as the recipient of the 2021 Legacy Grant.

ETCETERA May 11, 2021 The business of helping people
Meet Gareth Morris, CREB®'s 2020 REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award recipient.

ETCETERA March 30, 2021 A spirit for service
For CREB® REALTOR® Deborah Scruggs, volunteering has long been an integral part of her identity. In fact, it was this desire to help people that led her to enter real estate later in life, after 25 years as a homemaker.