Earlier today (Dec. 21), the province announced that Alberta is opening COVID-19 vaccine boosters to all Albertans aged 18 and older while launching an ambitious booster shot campaign to protect Albertans from the rapidly spreading Omicron variant.

CREB® NEWS Dec. 21, 2021 Dec. 21 update

PRACTICE ADVICE Dec. 21, 2021 Duplex or semi-detached?
CREB® Member Practice would like to remind you that when listing half of a duplex, the correct property sub-type to use is “Semi-Detached.”

COURSES AND EVENTS Dec. 21, 2021 The perfect last-minute gift
Looking for that perfect holiday gift for your clients? Gift them tickets to the Calgary Renovation Show!

ETCETERA Dec. 21, 2021 CREB® 2022 annual dues and fees
When you renew your CREB® membership, you get access to another year of exclusive member products, services and benefits to support your real estate career.

CREB® NEWS Dec. 21, 2021 CREB® holiday hours
CREB®Talk will be taking a break over the holidays, starting Tuesday, Dec. 28. Our regular distribution schedule will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 11.

CREB® NEWS Dec. 14, 2021 Kailen Pocsai
Kailen Pocsai was the recipient of CREB®’s 75th Anniversary Undergraduate Award in 2020, helping him to continue pursuing his passion for real estate and finish his degree a year early.

ETCETERA Dec. 14, 2021 Opening the door to opportunity
In November, ATB Financial and MNP partnered to release a report titled, “Opening the door to opportunity: reporting on the economic contribution of Indigenous Peoples in Alberta.”

COURSES AND EVENTS Dec. 07, 2021 Mayor Gondek, live at Forecast!

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Dec. 07, 2021 Three cheers for our volunteers!
On the heels of International Volunteer Day, we want to acknowledge the passionate and dedicated CREB® volunteers who make a real impact in our industry and the community.

PRACTICE ADVICE Dec. 07, 2021 Dealing with unlicensed professionals
Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) recently shared that an unlicensed brokerage operated by two unlicensed individuals was charged for offering mortgage and real estate services without a licence.

CREB® NEWS Dec. 07, 2021 Update on REALTOR® sentiment
How REALTORS® are being portrayed in the news can have a profound impact on public perception of the profession and the real estate industry. This is why we track and monitor media sentiment ratings.

ETCETERA Dec. 07, 2021 Achieving excellence
CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation has received an Award of Excellence from the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) for our community investment rubric.