Don’t get stuck in the bunker – with CREB®’s 2021 golf tournament over 90 per cent sold out, the time to register is now!

COURSES AND EVENTS July 13, 2021 Almost sold out

ETCETERA July 13, 2021 From the board table
From discussions about CREB®’s listing fee retirement and subsequent funding models to the new 2022-2025 strategic plan, there was no shortage of action at CREB®’s board of directors meeting on June 9.

PRACTICE ADVICE July 27, 2021 Being camera conscious
Individual privacy rights are an important point of law, but so is your freedom to take a picture.

News July 27, 2021 Heritage Day hours

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT July 20, 2021 Making an impact
On behalf of Calgary-and-area REALTORS®, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation granted $65,000 to six local non-profit organizations in 2020.

CREB® NEWS July 20, 2021 July 20 update
This week’s bulletin includes updated disclosure forms, an overview of CREB®’s new normal and schedule changes to our weekly COVID-19 bulletin.

CREB® NEWS July 06, 2021 July 6 update
This week’s bulletin includes an update on the City of Calgary’s masking bylaw and implications for CREB® members.

COURSES AND EVENTS July 06, 2021 Summer sessions
Advance your real estate skills by attending one of our upcoming professional development sessions this summer.

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT July 06, 2021 REALTORS® invest in affordable housing
On behalf of Calgary-and-area REALTORS®, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is proud to announce HomeSpace Society as the recipient of the 2021 Legacy Grant.

ETCETERA June 29, 2021 Virtual Diamond Gala recap
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the virtual Diamond Gala last week, and congratulations to all those who received awards!

CREB® NEWS June 29, 2021 June 29 update
As the province transitions into Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan, this week’s bulletin includes safety precaution reminders from AREA and CREB®.