CREB® NEWS May 05, 2020 Value from within

CREB® NEWS May 26, 2020 Final days for dues

ETCETERA May 26, 2020 Provincial Administrative Justice Program
On May 21, AREA announced the launch of the Provincial Administrative Justice Program. CREB® has played a leading role in this initiative through its wholly owned for-profit subsidiary, REB Resources Ltd.

ETCETERA May 26, 2020 RFAP going provincial
A strong support system has long been part of real estate culture, and now that community is about to get a little bigger as the REALTOR® and Family Assistance Program (RFAP) goes provincial.

ETCETERA April 28, 2020 And the award recipients are. . .
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 2020 AGM livestream and congratulations to our members who received awards!
Thank you to all CREB® members who joined CREB®'s first all-digital AGM this year. If you missed the meetings, check out some of this year’s highlights with links to all things AGM.

COURSES AND EVENTS April 21, 2020 AGM livestream this week

ETCETERA April 21, 2020 Livestream and Links on the MLS® System
With COVID-19, ensuring the health and safety of all parties in a real estate transaction is more important than ever.

News April 14, 2020 Pillar 9 Fee Update

CREB® NEWS April 14, 2020 Bylaw amendment to expand CIBS benefit
The Critical Illness Benefit Society’s (CIBS) board of directors invites you to the AGM livestream on Thursday, April 23, where a motion will be put forward to enhance the CIBS benefit.

ETCETERA April 14, 2020 Photography and 3D services
Our photography and 3D services remain open under a limited capacity. However, the health and safety of our staff, members and clients are our top priority.

ETCETERA April 07, 2020 Awards and AGMs
In light of the 2020 Diamond Gala event cancellation, we’ll be recognizing outstanding REALTORS® at our AGM livestream on Thursday, April 23.