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Showing articles tagged CREB®

Since the real estate industry plays a large part in the health of the economy, it has been deemed an essential service by the Government of Alberta amidst COVID-19. 

In order to answer your questions and keep you in the loop on the latest Pillar 9 MLS® System information, we’ve put together a Pillar 9 information hub on CREB® Link.

Regrettably, due to COVID-19 related public health restrictions put in place by the Government of Alberta, the Diamond Gala is cancelled this year.

The show must go on! CREB®’s annual general meetings are taking place online Thursday, April 23.

In response to the economic impact of COVID-19, the federal government unveiled additional support for Canadian businesses on Friday. 

REALTORS® across Alberta have been struggling with how to engage in the face-to-face elements of their business, while being responsible citizens practicing social distancing, in response to COVID-19.

annual dues deferred

ETCETERA March 24, 2020 Dues debrief

In light of recent dues discussion, both inside and outside CREB®, we wanted to provide you with an overview of the current status on these costs.

We have lunch. We have prizes. We have guest speakers from the Canadian Real Estate Association and Alberta One Realty Listing Services Inc. Our AGM that isn’t your typical meeting – it’s better.


ETCETERA March 10, 2020 Sweetening the deal

Do you currently advertise with CREB®Now? Our new listing tool will give your advertisements more value.

The list is up! Check to see if you’ll be reaching a long service or board builder point milestone this year.

Don’t forget! CREA and AREA annual dues must be paid by Tuesday, March 31 at noon. 

Helpful. Professional. Supportive. These are just a handful of terms used to describe CREB® by members who participated in our 2020 membership survey.

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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