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Showing articles tagged CREB®

Spring is here and it’s the perfect time to boost your real estate skills. Check out what we have in store this spring. 

proposed bylaw changes

ETCETERA March 22, 2019 Vote for excellence

The proposed bylaw changes that will be presented at the 2019 AGM are now live. See what’s in store for you to vote on.
At the highest elevation, CREB®’s top priority is driving member value. We built our strategic plan around this purpose and now we’re taking aggressive steps to climb the proverbial mountain. 

Virtual tours allow anyone to see your listing at any time. And during the month of March all bookings are only $199, making these tours are more affordable than ever.

Working in a self-regulated industry is both a privilege and an obligation.

If you have a listing with green features, then this is the issue to show it off.

On March 12 Matrix™ will be updated to version 8.3.7. Matrix will be unavailable for about 30 minutes beginning at 10:00 a.m.

As part of CREB®Now’s continued shift into establishing a greater online presence and providing the public with engaging and varied content about the city’s real estate market, we recently analyzed and optimized its distribution.

Spend this chilly weekend inside at the BMO center getting ideas for your dream home and garden.

From ice cream and beer to real estate, Calgary can't get enough Village.

This week’s member town hall was all about Governance Excellence, where we discussed refinements that will position CREB® for continued success. If you missed the meeting, check out our town hall takeaways.

Stop by the REALTOR® store the next time you’re at CREB® to find great deals on a variety of items.

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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