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Showing articles tagged CREB®
Having an inclusive and focused strategic plan is a core contributor to CREB®’s high performance. Delivering on that plan is what guides us to continued success. 

Join your board for an in-person discussion that will help shape the future of Organized Real Estate (ORE) in Alberta.

Our annual CREB® Christmas Holiday Luncheon is less than two weeks away! This is the ideal opportunity to reconnect, meet colleagues and show guests our awesome culture.

We believe the hallmark of a high-performance organization is through inclusivity and diverse thought. To ensure we practice what we preach, we’ve applied this logic in our 2018-2020 strategic plan. 

Leadership circle

ETCETERA Dec. 01, 2017 Want to lead?

CREB®’s Leadership Circle can take you to the next level. This exclusive, innovative one-year program is designed to develop effective leadership skills. 

CREB®’s Charitable Foundation wants you to help put a roof over someone’s head this holiday season. Take part and donate to something extra sweet by giving to the Gingerbread “Dream Home” campaign.

Join us as we celebrate 30 years of HOPE and community investment at the CREB® Charitable Foundation's 30th anniversary celebration. Superheroes: this event is for you!

Summer holidays may be over, but there’s still two things goin’ for you: we’re still breaking 30+ degrees and our monthly PD sessions are back… for now.

Do you want to raise your REALTOR® profile? Do you see yourself at the leadership table one day? If yes, then sign up for our Future Leaders Workshop!

September is the busiest month in most REALTORS®' calendars. Getting your listings sold before the leaves start flying is a big priority – and the CREB® Business Development Team have the tools you need to help you get your listings in front of the right audience.

The by’s in Saskie are gittin’ ready to blow the whole shebangs up!

Thank you for your feedback! Over 800 members responded to the CDOM (Cumulative Days on Market) poll question and agreed to keep the stat on Matrix™ agent reports and displays.

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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