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Showing articles tagged CREB®

Rub shoulders with some game changing industry professionals at the 2017 ROAR Award celebration event.

Join the CREB® IT focus group to help us provide the best real estate tools for members.

Access to housing stats just got way cooler—and certainly more functional for big screen users, with the launch of CREB®’s new interactive data gathering tool on

Every year, we honour our members who have committed their time to CREB® and the community at our Volunteer Recognition Board Builders Luncheon. 

Please note that CREB® will be closed on April 14 for Good Friday. 

A new study about radon gas levels in Calgary and southern Alberta homes has been released by the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine.

Get excited – CREB® has joined the Canadian Real Estate Association’s (CREA) Radio Co-op Advertising Campaign! This new partnership launches April 3 and is designed to increase positive publicity for our members.

CREB® has received the Canadian Commercial Network (CCN) Merit Award, presented by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) at their 2017 AGM on March 27.

Oscar Wilde said it perfectly—“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” We couldn’t agree more when it comes to our member volunteers.

Every day, members head to the CREB®Talk blog for the latest industry news and updates, including info about what’s happening here at CREB®. As one of our most well-sourced and reliable communication channels for members, we want to know – is it still working for you?

Want to extend your apartment listing to your ideal client? Advertise in CREB®Now’s April 7 edition today.  

Avoid penalties and submit payment for your Canadian Real Estate Association and Alberta Real Estate Association membership dues by noon on Friday, March 31.

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