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Nominations for the director by-election open this week. This by-election was called to fill a vacant position on the board of directors. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our valued members, sponsors, and community partners who joined us for the CREB® 2024 Forecast Conference.
As reported by AREA at the Jan 16, 2024, AREA AGM, I presented an amendment to an AREA bylaw. In the attached letter to AREA of Oct 25, 2023, we laid out our rationale for the need for an amendment to AREA Bylaw 8.
With over 30 partner programs available, the CREB® Affinity Program is a gateway to a host of discounts and savings from various businesses, including real estate marketing and photography services, insurance companies, signage businesses and more.
In mid-December, we shared that the CREB® Board of Directors had amended some of the CREB® rules. Some of these amendments resulted from the feedback CREB® members shared with the Member Practice team, committees and Board of Directors.
Time is running out, REALTORS®! This is your final chance to secure your spot at the CREB® Forecast Conference, happening this month on Jan. 23, 2024.
One of the great benefits of being a member of CREB® is having access to critical illness benefits that give you financial protection and peace of mind in the face of a life-changing illness.
The CREB® board of directors is calling a by-election on Feb. 28, at 4 p.m. after receiving Rob Campbell’s resignation effective Jan. 1, 2024.  
We are well aware of the commentary among some members that weighs the value of membership in CREB®️ versus other nearby boards, such as the REALTORS® Association of South Central Alberta (RASCA).
CREB® is seeking a dynamic and experienced individual to join its Board of Directors as a Public Director. 

In an effort to enhance clarity and provide our members with a clearer understanding of expectations, we are in the process of updating and amending the CREB® rules effective Jan. 4, 2024. 

Members will receive their CREB® and CREA annual dues statement in the next few weeks.

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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