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Apr 7, 2017

Building your board

Every year, we honour our members who have committed their time to CREB® and the community at our Volunteer Recognition Board Builders Luncheon. 

At the event, we celebrate our 2016 volunteers and thank them for their selfless service and commitment. We also take a group photo to commemorate their hard work. This is a great tradition that captures the smiling faces of our volunteer leaders.

We call our volunteer recognition program board builders because that is exactly what they do. They are critically important to our operations and culture, making us a more efficient and responsive member-centric organization. 

Of course, serving 5,300 members means not everything we do is exactly what every member wants. However, we try and we need the support of our volunteer leaders so we can continue to run at a high performing level.

Most real estate boards and associations need volunteers to operate. Some who have a board builders program have modeled their program after ours. I don’t know of another real estate organization that has a volunteer and leadership coordinator. We do, and Glenna Roth is a shining example of the importance we place in elevating our volunteers to thank them for building CREB®.

You have probably noticed not every member can attend the luncheon. As this event is only open to 2016 volunteers, we hope some of you will consider adding yourself to our volunteer database so you may attend next year.  

Our volunteers are essential to CREB®’s success. We appreciate them and we hope you do too.

If you were a volunteer for a 2016 event and have not registered, please check your email for your invitation. Click here for future volunteer opportunities. 



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