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IT focus group

Apr 7, 2017

Feedback for IT tools

Join the CREB® IT focus group to help us provide the best real estate tools for members.

To achieve CREB®’s strategic goal of maximizing excellence in technology, member engagement is of utmost importance.

If you are a regular user of Doc Manager/WEBforms and iFax, please sign up for our focus group.

The focus group will explore:

  • How members use these tools in their day-to-day business;
  • What improvements can be made; and
  • How these tools can be integrated with other member systems like Matrix™ and CREB®Maps.

Participants are required to attend three meetings with CREB®’s IT Services department, which are scheduled for the weeks of May 1, May 15 and May 29. 

A beta-testing period may follow the final meeting for additional feedback on tool enhancements.

To participate in the focus group, email with Taskforce as the subject line. Please include your level of familiarity with Doc Manager/WEBforms and iFax, along with your availability to attend the meetings.

Please note, only members selected for the 20-person focus group will be contacted.


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