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SentriLock update

Apr 21, 2017

Don't delay, update today!


The SentriLock firmware events are now over, but more than 15,000 lockboxes still need to be updated to version .44.

To ensure you’re providing the best possible service and safety solution to your clients, it’s highly recommended that you take action and update your inventory as soon as possible. 

Members have two options for making the update:

  1. The manual method: We’ve put together an easy-to-follow video to guide you through the process. You can also follow these instructions:
    • Open the SentriSmart™ app on your Bluetooth mobile device.
    • Press the ENT button on the lockbox keypad to “wake up” the box.
    • Navigate to Lockbox Tools.
    • Select the appropriate lockbox serial number from the lockbox list.
    • Select Update Firmware from the list.
    • Press the Update Firmware button.
      • NOTE: Once you close your SentriSmart app, flashing lights on the box will indicate a new version of firmware is being loaded.
  2. Talk to Frank: CREB®’s supervisor of Member Support, Frank Ventura, is standing by to lend a hand. Give him a call at 403-781-1392 to book an appointment to bring in your lockboxes, where our member support team will get them updated in a flash.

We can’t stress enough the importance of updating your inventory. 

Acting on the firmware solution provided by SentriLock will essentially eliminate your chances of experiencing any issues—so you can focus on the things that matter most to your clients.

If you have any questions regarding the update, or need more info on why it’s important, check out the SentriLock news section of SentriLock Hub. 

You can also browse through our firmware update FAQ section. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, drop us a line at


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