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ROAR celebration

Apr 21, 2017

Support your stars


Rub shoulders with some game changing industry professionals at the 2017 ROAR Award celebration event.

The ROAR Awards were created for REALTORS®—by REALTORS®, and are a great opportunity to discover what it takes to be recognized as an industry leader. 

Each finalist has a unique story that reflects their dedication, desire and determination to make a measurable impact.

Support your stars and celebrate at a discounted rate when you purchase your presale tickets before April 30. The party goes down May 27 at Hotel Arts.

ROAR tickets

Finalists for each category will be announced in our May 5 edition of CREB®Talk, so don’t miss it. Head over to for more on the celebration event, including the evening’s special guest entertainment, and program history. 

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact CREB® events supervisor Dawn van der Helm at or 403-781-1318.

This is your party honouring your people. Being there is the only option.



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