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David P Brown CREB®Chat

Aug 11, 2017

The future of Saskatchewan and beyond!

The by’s in Saskie are gittin’ ready to blow the whole shebangs up!

Over the years, previous CREB® Chats have addressed the inefficient structure of organized real estate. Nearly five years ago, CEO Alan Tennant wrote a discussion paper that suggested a way we could consolidate all Alberta real estate boards and AREA into one new organization. I came onto the board of directors the next year and when I first read this document I thought…this makes sense!

My observation has been that the leadership in our province has ignored this idea and hoped we would go away.  Yet, I’ve had many conversations with other volunteer leaders who wonder why the recommendations in this paper have not been acted upon. All the while, I can assure you our board of directors has constantly worked to find new ways to attain this goal.

Last year, we closely watched the REALTORS® of BC initiative—a movement that eventually failed to be approved in a province-wide vote on Dec. 6. On their website, you can learn more about those results and see that there is still “clearly an appetite for change”. As we speak, REALTORS® in Saskatchewan are in the final stages of their own province-wide consolidation project.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have an important meeting coming up late in September that could finally get this ball rolling in our province. Days after Saskatchewan REALTORS® vote on their future, our provincial leadership will gather to look at some examples of consolidation, mergers and re-organization from a variety of sectors.

We hope to see some positive momentum behind the idea that we just have one board and one MLS® System in the province. Why not?

Some folks are saying we need to be careful and not move too fast. Others are growing impatient with discussion and believe a business analysis on a structure that would benefit REALTORS® most should be created by now.

Saskatchewan can see the benefits of working together and reducing the number of executive officers and board of directors in the province. Why can’t we?

Before we get into a look at what principles might apply in a new structure in Alberta, let’s find out what you think. Did you read what nearly happened in BC (the discussions continue by the way) and wish you were asked the same question most BC REALTORS® were asked? Do you hope the REALTORS® in Saskatchewan boldly move into the future with one board and one MLS® System? Do you care?

I care. You elected me to serve on the board of directors to lead and do the right thing. Help me do the right thing by sharing your thoughts on this important question. If you think I’ve got me head in me arse, tell me now!

President David P. Brown


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