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CIBS walking

Aug 25, 2017

Walk for wellness


CREB®’s Critical Illness Benefit Society (CIBS) wants to know: Are you getting the right amount of daily physical activity?

Health experts recommend that adults under the age of 65 get at least 2.5 hours of moderate activity a week. Lucky for busy REALTORS® on the go, walking is one of the easiest ways to get the exercise you need to stay healthy.

Simply adding a brisk 30-minute walk into your daily routine can be an enjoyable way to improve your overall health. 

Here’s some tips from Alberta Health Services to help make your daily walks a fun way to maintain healthy levels of activity: 

Start off on the right foot

  • Set a goal. Start with a brisk 30-minute walk each day and walk your way up to the recommended amount of 10,000 steps per day;
  • Wear comfortable footwear that provides protection and support for your feet; and
  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after your activity. Take a water bottle with you when you walk to stay hydrated. 

Lace activity into your day

  • Schedule a 15 or 30-minute walk before work in the morning, around lunch or in the evening to unwind after a busy day;
  • Whenever possible, walk to appointments, meetings or errands to remain active throughout your day; and 
  • Challenge friends and peers to join you for some added incentive to get in your daily amount of exercise. 

Step up your routine

  • Track your steps with a phone app or a pedometer. Using one of these step counters can help you track your progress and new, long-term daily walking goals;
  • Find walks that include hills or stairs to increase your challenge and improve cardiovascular benefits; and
  • Switch up your walking route – you just might find some hidden gems in your neighbourhood!


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