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Gingerbread house

Dec 1, 2017

Help Habitat this season

CREB®’s Charitable Foundation wants you to help put a roof over someone’s head this holiday season. Take part and donate to something extra sweet by giving to the Gingerbread “Dream Home” campaign.

Brought to us by our friends at Habitat for Humanity and the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), this campaign is designed to make a local impact. By touring a virtual life-sized gingerbread home, participants can donate to their Habitat chapter. 

Habitat is a partner of choice for CREB® and the money raised will make a real difference in our community.

All donations will be accepted until Dec. 10. The individual with the largest donation nationally will receive a miniature replica of the gingerbread dream home. As well, one lucky donor in each participating board's jurisdiction will receive a holiday treat (supplied by CREA) awarded by their board.  

For more information on our Habitat for Humanity give, click here. To learn how to get involved with the foundation, click here



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