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Dec 1, 2017

Give the gift of lunch

Our annual CREB® Christmas Holiday Luncheon is less than two weeks away! This is the ideal opportunity to reconnect, meet colleagues and show guests our awesome culture.

Ticket sales are very strong – we’re almost sold out at 90 per cent –  and close on Thursday, Dec. 7, so click here right away to reserve your spot. 

This year’s co-hosts are President David P. Brown and myself. We want the party going strong, so we’re keeping the program extremely short. We will spend the least amount of time on the mic, so you have more opportunities to visit.

This event has a rich history of stories you can’t make up, so why not bring a new member, your support team or a favourite supplier and share the fun!

Back by popular demand, we will be having turkey and as usual our CREB® Charitable Foundation will host its After-Luncheon Party. We will have free shuttles between 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. to easily transfer the party from the BMO Centre to Marquee Beer Market.

Ticket proceeds will go towards our foundation’s philanthropic initiatives and you can keep on dancing, er I mean networking the night away. 

And because we’re all about celebrating the season safely, taxi vouchers will be available at the luncheon and after-party. 

Every year the members who come to the CREB® Christmas Holiday Luncheon rave about how much fun they have and we keep adjusting based on their feedback.  

I’m looking forward to seeing you there and commenting on how fabulous YOU look!


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