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Strategic plan 2018

Dec 1, 2017

Our next three years

We believe the hallmark of a high-performance organization is through inclusivity and diverse thought. To ensure we practice what we preach, we’ve applied this logic in our 2018-2020 strategic plan. 

Although it will not launch until January 2, 2018, we can’t keep in our excitement for what’s coming down the pike for the next three years!

Want a sneak peek of what will unfold as we move forward? Read on … 

What’s new?

A mission and vision statement that aims to assist all members with their business and real estate needs.

Five priorities that guide effective decision-making and investments.

Priorities wheel. Created for easy reference on our five new organizational priorities: members, people, internal systems, financial and stakeholders.

member wheel

Our priorities define our future focus, craft our business plans and lay the foundation for our budget which enables this report to come to life.  

How was the report created?
In the winter of 2017, CREB® reached out to members, staff and external stakeholders to understand their thoughts on the future focus of our association. Using this information and other research, CREB®’s board of directors went through an intensive strategic planning exercise in the spring of 2017. From this, a new planning road map was created for the organization. 

How were the priorities developed?
After analyzing our service efforts, it was decided our members, people, internal systems, financial, and stakeholder priorities were at the forefront and support how we run our organization. 

How will the report benefit me?
The report sets out clear goals and objectives for CREB® to pursue over the coming three years to ensure we deliver on our mission of being the essential resource for our members. It’s the catalyst to all CREB® business units’ yearly development plans and drives decision making for the board. 

Where can I find the strategic plan?
The plan will be housed on CREB®Link’s Administration and Governance page starting January 2, 2018.  

For the full report, check your inboxes in the new year and CREB®Link. Questions may be directed to Alan Tennant, CREB® CEO or Lisa Roberts, CREB® COO. 


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