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Looking back

Feb 17, 2017

A look back on outcomes


CREB®’s operations are guided by a comprehensive strategic plan and five operational goals to improve member value, enhance professional conduct, foster productive relationships with members, champion members’ interests and maximize excellence in technology.

By taking regular pulse checks on performance, including a year-end update, we can confirm if we’re on the right track and, if not, allow for course correction. This kind of attention to detail is what propels CREB® toward meaningful outcomes year-after-year, and the second half of 2016 was no different.

A few notable results include:

The launch and impressive adoption of CREB®Maps;
CREB® Charitable Foundation’s Home + Design show ticket fundraiser, which was another resounding success after selling 19,000 tickets in just two weeks;
The inaugural “Biting into Big Data summit” hosted by CREB®. This one day conference brought together thought leaders from across North America to discuss the impact of data intelligence on the real estate industry;
Extended reach with CREB®Now’s foreign buyers feature, serving up digital display ads to online users from mainland China searching Calgary real estate; and
The SentriLock conversion where more than 5,000 members moved through the building in a two-week window to transition to our new key management system.  

Let’s build a new road map
CREB®’s current strategic plan will come to the end of its lifecycle in 2017. As such, your board of directors and CREB® Charitable Foundation’s board of governors are actively working to build a new four year plan that will guide us to 2021.
We anticipate being able to share the new road map with members in Q4 of this year. In the meantime, we need your help to define our future path. That’s why we’ve been reaching out in recent weeks for your input with our online strategic planning survey. 

We want this next edition of our plan to be even more robust than the last, and we need your ideas and perspectives to make that happen.
If you haven’t yet completed the survey, there’s still time to do so. Please click here to get started.


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