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Feb 10, 2017

Stories that make us ROAR

The art of storytelling is an integral part of human nature. It’s how we give colour to our world and make sense of the present as we imagine the future.

To celebrate this fascinating human ability, we wanted to share some of our favorite ROAR nomination stories we’ve received so far. We hope these tales of excellence will inspire you to submit a nomination of your own, or at the very least, generate some new found excitement for the ROARs—who knows, we could be telling your story someday.

The following excerpts have been edited for anonymity.

Commitment to education

“You would think a REALTOR® with more than 33 years of experience would no longer make time for education/training, or would not believe [they] "needed" it any longer. One of the reasons I chose to work on [this member’s] team was because of [their] commitment to ongoing learning.

This takes time away from [their] business, but [they] truly believe in the value, short-term and long-term, of dedicating time to ensure [they’re] always offering clients the best and most comprehensive level of service.  I am constantly in awe of [their] lack of "ego" when it comes to learning something new.”

Community Impact

“[My nominee] spends hours a week on a community page that [they] started to help others, attends various sponsored events, from breakfasts and barbeques to garage sales, all while volunteering at a dance studio. [They] want to make the community an area where people can love where they live and let people know that there is always someone there to help.” 

Marketing Excellence

“[I’m nominating a member who] has stretched their marketing dollars by strategically selecting systems and products with proven success. This includes almost surgically targeting of their network, farming areas and identifying untapped markets.

Social media platforms have also been important in their practice. Post engagement through content marketing has allowed [them] to develop dialogue with an ever-growing audience.

Finally, good old fashioned “pavement pounding”—[they] have gotten to know many local business owners, not through networking groups, but by offering value-added relationships directly to other business owners. This has made them a “go to” for all real estate needs.” 

Mentorship Distinction

“[My nominee] has been an exemplary mentor and has been an invaluable resource as a new professional.  [Their] positive attitude, willingness to teach and offer guidance has been so helpful. [They offer] non-stop coaching, guidance, hands-on training and job-shadowing to not only myself, but to other new professionals within the office, with no expectation of a kick-back or remuneration.”

People's REALTOR®

“My husband and I were looking for a house, but going to homes for viewings can be quite hectic and abrupt, especially since we have a one year old. 

[Our REALTOR®] noticed during one of our first showings how hard it was to actually concentrate on the place because we were too busy with our son. For our next showing, [they] brought [their partner] over to our place to watch our son and play with [their] son, who is the same age. It allowed us to focus on the showing, and the kids are best friends now! Not only did we gain a good friend, we gained a new play buddy for our son! Oh yeah, and we got the house of our dreams. Win-win."

The deadline for ROAR nominations is March 8.

If you have any questions about the ROAR Awards, or would like to have someone come to your brokerage to offer more information, please contact Paula Knetsch, CREB® Member Experience manager, at or 403-781-1306.


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