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Calgary Home and Garden Show 85% sold

Feb 13, 2017

Tickets close to sell-out!

Snatch them up before they’re gone! Monday is the deadline to order your exclusive discounted tickets to the Calgary Home + Garden Show from CREB® Charitable Foundation.

Members receive tickets for $12 (marked down from $16) and are only charged for those redeemed at the show. Pre-order your tickets here before end of day Monday, Feb. 20.

Pick up: Tickets will be ready for pick up from the Charitable Foundation office two business days after your order.  The last day for pick up is Thursay, Feb. 23.

Courier: Tickets can be shipped to your office on Wednesday, Feb. 22, for $15. To save on shipping, if other members in your office order the same week, your tickets will arrive in the same package and the $15 courier cost can be shared.

Distribute your tickets:  Hand out your tickets before the show starts on March 2. They make great gifts to stay in touch with past and potential clients.

And, even more cool, the proceeds from this promotions support CREB® Charitable Foundation’s community investment initiatives on behalf of Calgary and area REALTORS®

So, invite your friends and family to enjoy the event! It’s one of the largest home improvement shows in the city.

Please note, all orders with zero ticket redemptions will be assessed a surcharge of $100. This is to encourage the timely return of unused tickets, so more members can take part in this deal.

For more information, click here. If you have any questions about your order, please contact the Charitable Foundation at


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