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Forecast 2017

Dec 16, 2016

A dragon in our house


Legends say dragons were mythical beings that symbolized power, fortune and knowledge. On Jan. 11, 2017, watch the myth come to life when CBC’s hit TV personality and Dragon’s Den star Manjit Minhas headlines CREB®’s Forecast Conference & Tradeshow.

A petroleum engineer turned beer baroness—Manjit will display her unique business aptitude as a leading entrepreneur and CEO/co-founder of Minhas Breweries, winery and distillery—a staggeringly successful business with revenues in excess of $155 million. 

She will also share tangible tips like how to identify business gaps, ignore competitors, and disclose secrets about how to market during these fiscally difficult times. 

CREB®Now recently had the opportunity to sit down with her to get a sneak peek at what she plans to talk about.

Click here to check out the full interview.



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