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Jan 13, 2017

Your year of development


Thirteen days ago, at the stroke of midnight, most of us set personal goals we swore to live by in 2017. These so-called “resolutions”—eat better, stress less, save more—always tend to go by the wayside within the first week of the year.

Most will fade away, but there’s one New Year’s goal that CREB® can help you keep—your commitment to developing yourself professionally. Want to know how? Check out what our Professional Development (PD) team has lined up over the next few months:

CREB® Mentorship Program

With CREB®’s new Mentorship Program, you’ll learn how to set mentoring goals, support inexperienced members and create a mentorship program that suits the needs of your brokerage. You’ll develop new leadership skills, network with other mentors and pick up some invaluable industry connections. 

For the inaugural year, the program is open to brokers, or associates identified by brokers as applicable candidates. It’s $95 per person, per month, to participate in this 12-month program. 

If you believe you are a fit for this program, which is limited to only 20 members in 2017, visit the Professional Development page on CREB®Link and have your broker complete the application form.

Elevate your Business 

Elevate your Business is a brand-new monthly PD program. These full-day sessions have one focus—boosting business.

Brand You, the first session on Jan. 24, will help you build credibility with clients by discovering how to influence with ease and persuade without being pushy.

Sessions are only $49 each, or if you register for two sessions at once, you get a third for free (subject to availability). Check out the February and March sessions on CREB®Link.

Wise Wednesday

Wise Wednesday is back! After a hugely successful inaugural year which saw every course sell out, 10 new Wise Wednesday sessions are coming to members for 2017.

Wise Wednesday is free seminar series that takes a complete approach to your professional development in areas that are often overlooked.

On Jan. 18, Home Investment Advisors present the first Wise Wednesday of the year, where you can learn how you can build a successful and sustainable real estate practice without costly, time-consuming marketing and continuous stressful prospecting.

You can check out the February and March sessions on CREB®Link. If you have any questions about CREB® Professional Development, contact the team at 403-781-5454, or



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