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Jun 16, 2017

Practice makes perfect

How do you approach technology in your business? Do you just do what you need to “get by”, or are you doing what you can to exploit the full potential of the available tools?

In my opinion, it’s not enough to understand the technology on a basic level. Proficiency is what leads you to successful outcomes. Think of it this way—surgeons know how to operate every tool they touch in every possible way during operations. If they didn’t, watch out! There goes your kidney! 

This approach should be applied to the technologies you, as a real estate professional, use on a daily basis—one in particular being the SentriLock key management system (KMS). If you feel you’re not operating at peak performance with your lockboxes, help is on the way. 

This summer we are going to kick it up a couple of notches with SentriAid, our education program that will advance your KMS skills with in-depth videos, infographics and useful tips. 

In addition, we just launched in-class training each week over the summer that is perfectly suited of hands-on, visual learners. Of course, these sessions are free for our members. We want to do everything we can to help you succeed in your daily operations.   

I encourage you to take full advantage these opportunities and learn to use your KMS with the precision of a fine surgeon. After all, practice makes perfect. 


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