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Mar 27, 2017

Annual General Meeting - CREB® Style

Unlike some organizations, we don’t view our annual general meeting (AGM) as being somewhat like a root canal. We hope you don’t either!

That’s why we’ve gone out of our way to make sure the highlight of your day on April 19 isn’t just the lively debate over the appointment of our auditors. (Actually, there could be a debate about that and that’s fine too!)

Join us at 9 a.m. in the CREB® atrium for the AGM Expo, where you can learn about the latest offerings from CREB® and other industry-related organizations. 

The AGMs for the Critical Illness Benefit Society, the Charitable Foundation and CREB® start at 9:30 a.m. You’ll hear detailed updates on activities from the past year, including the financial performance of each organization. 

During the CREB® AGM, as per custom, we will also have an open forum section for members to bring up any questions or concerns.

Some bylaw amendments will also be presented to improve our annual board of directors election. As you may recall, shortly after last year’s election results were in, we had to stage a by-election for the broker director position because of the shortage of candidates in the election. 

The goal, as always, is to provide the membership with the broadest selection of qualified candidates, so watch for details on these bylaw amendments and come join in on the debate.

If you can’t make it to CREB® for the AGM, you can participate in the meetings online. We continue to be one of the few real estate boards in Canada that provides this option to its members. 

Since we introduced our eAGM functionality, member attendance (online and in-person) continues to grow. 

While you’ll miss out on the free lunch if you attend online, you can go about your business and still participate in this important member meeting.

Click here to register and I’ll see you there.


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