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annual dues

Mar 17, 2017

Annual membership dues


There are two weeks left to submit payment for your CREA and AREA membership dues.

As a reminder, these dues are included in your February statement. The total amount on this statement is due by noon on March 31.  

Join the more than 3,000 members already on auto-pay and rest easy knowing your dues are paid in full by the deadline. To register for this convenient payment option, submit this form to

Please note, auto-pay is processed around the 22nd of each month.

Additional payment options

There are several other payment options available to members:

1. Online payment through your CREB®Link profile;
2. In-person assistance at CREB®'s Member Services Centre;
3. One-time payment by credit card; and
4. Cheque payable to CREB®.    

For more information on the 2017 annual dues structure, visit CREB®Link or review the printable annual dues brochure.

If you have any questions, please contact



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