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2017 annual dues

Mar 10, 2017

Choose auto-pay


Join the more than 3,000 members already on auto-pay and rest easy knowing your dues are paid in full by the deadline.

To register for this convenient payment option, submit this form to

Please note, auto-pay is processed around the 22nd of each month.

As a reminder, CREA and AREA membership dues are included in your February statement. The total amount on this statement is due by noon on March 31.  

Additional payment options

There are several convenient payment options available to members.

  1. Online payment through your CREB®Link profile;
  2. In-person assistance at CREB®'s Member Services Centre;
  3. One-time payment by credit card; and
  4. Cheque payable to CREB®.    

For more information on the 2017 annual dues structure, visit CREB®Link or review the printable annual dues brochure.

If you have any questions, please contact


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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