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Mar 31, 2017

Gain exposure with CREB®Now

Want to extend your apartment listing to your ideal client? Advertise in CREB®Now’s April 7 edition today.  

In this week’s issue, we’re reaching out to our small space enthusiasts and featuring apartment living. Readers can look forward to an in-depth comparison on suburban vs. city centre apartment-style condos and insight into what communities contain the most sought after spaces.

We’re also chatting with new homebuyers who share their experiences when selecting their home. 

Plus, when you place an ad in our feature today, you receive 25 per cent off your purchase. 

What are the perks of advertising in CREB®Now? Circulated with the Calgary Herald, this issue will be delivered to 24,000 Calgarians in the east quadrant (N.E. and S.E.). Plus, 9,500 copies will be placed in bedroom communities such as Airdrie, Chestermere and Strathmore. 
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to build your brand and reach your ideal market. Click here to purchase your ad today.



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