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annual dues

Mar 24, 2017

Payment due next week


Avoid penalties and submit payment for your Canadian Real Estate Association and Alberta Real Estate Association membership dues by noon on Friday, March 31.

These charges can be found on your member statements in CREB®Link.

Payment options include: 

Online through your CREB®Link profile
In-person at CREB®’s Member Services Centre
Internet or telephone banking
One-time payment by credit card
Cheque payable to CREB®

Consequence of non-payment:

Please note, non-payment affects your membership and access to the MLS® System. If payment is not received by the deadline, a $50 fine is levied and your board services will be suspended. If payment in full (including the $50 fine amount) is not received by noon on April 17, board services are terminated.

There’s also a $300 re-entry fee for members who terminate and then rejoin the board.

For full details on the 2017 annual dues structure, visit CREB®Link or review the printable annual dues brochure.

If you have any questions, please contact


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