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Mar 3, 2017


Many years ago, I read a guest CREB® Talk article by a fellow CREB® member who explained the importance of donating platelets. At the time, I didn’t know much about this particular giving option for Canadian Blood Services (CBS), but soon my wife Rona and I were regulars. 

We still find time in the evenings about once a month to donate plasma and I’m proud to have a CBS plaque on my wall from a few years ago honouring my 100th donation.

I’m also proud to see that our CREB® staff team and wider member-base has joined in to support the CBS corporate challenge. These contributions have bigtime value, but there’s still so much more we can do collectively to make a difference together, both at the brokerage and individual level.

Please click here to learn more about how you can give back through the Partners for Life program. As they say, “saving lives together is the ultimate team builder and gives employees a sense of pride that their company is committed to making a difference.”

I challenge you to form a team within your brokerage to get the ball rolling. My inspiration was jump-started by a gentleman named Brian Tobin who wrote an incredible moving story about his sister and the personal health crisis that she was facing some years ago. It was a powerful piece that really resonated—so much so that I showed it to Rona and our habit of giving to CBS started.

If all the right emotional and logical reasons don’t motivate you to step up, how about some numbers? “According to a study by Ipsos Reid, 71 per cent of Canadians strongly agree that corporations that host blood drives are doing a good thing, and 78 per cent would be more likely to purchase products or services from corporations that visibly support blood donation in Canada.”

We hope you join us in this important cause because, “blood, it’s in you to give!”


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