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Radon CT Article

Mar 31, 2017

One in eight Calgary homes exceed acceptable radon gas levels


A new study about radon gas levels in Calgary and southern Alberta homes has been released by the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine.

The study shows that one in eight Calgary homes exceed Health Canada’s acceptable levels for radon.

What is Radon? 

Radon is a naturally occurring colourless, odourless, radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rocks, and water. It’s present in all homes, but high levels can present significant health risks.

Health Canada advocates long-term testing to find the most accurate measure of indoor radon. Testing is inexpensive and can be done by homeowners.

Members can refer to CREA’s Homeowner’s Guide to Radon for more information. In this guide you will find:

  • An overview of radon gas;
  • Radon potential map for Canada;
  • How radon enters homes; 
  • Testing for radon;
  • Questions to ask radon professionals; 
  • Radon mitigation systems; and 
  • Radon mitigation costs.

The guide can be used as a tool for educating yourself and your clients about how to maintain a healthy home.


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