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CREBTalk Search Bar

Mar 31, 2017

So what do you think?


Every day, members head to the CREB®Talk blog for the latest industry news and updates, including info about what’s happening here at CREB®. As one of our most well-sourced and reliable communication channels for members, we want to know – is it still working for you?

With just the click of a button, members can access current and former articles reflecting a variety of topics such as upcoming organizational events, news features, CREB®Now stories, course info, statistics and REALTOR® events.

And wow, have we ever posted a lot of articles. In 2016 alone, we published 420 stories that resulted in 63,000 page views from members. All of this great info is still at your fingertips using the search bar navigation tool. Here are a few simple steps to start exploring the archives:

  • Once on the blog, simply look for the search bar in the top right corner;
  • Enter in a keyword or article name; and 
  • Click on the orange square button to search. 

From there, you will gain immediate access to published CREB®Talk articles and comments. You can also choose to sort search results by selecting most relevant or recent at the top of the search page. 

So now we would love to know—how is CREB®Talk working for you?

Please comment below.


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This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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