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Mar 31, 2017

The SentriLock solution

Some of our members have been experiencing great frustration with our new Key Management System (KMS) and it pains me to see this happening. 

It’s not hard to visualize the hairs on your neck standing up when a seller, who you worked so hard to land, calls to say they arrived home to an open lockbox. Or to picture a patient buyer, who suddenly becomes impatient, as you struggle to access keys for a showing. These situations are totally unacceptable and not even close to what we expected when we started this process.

We needed to take action and after a ton of logistics work and some negotiating with the senior leadership at SentriLock, we arrived at a solution—that SentriLock would develop new firmware for member boxes and continue working with us to get the transition right.

However, the lack of member uptake on this solution has come as a surprise—only 391 members have registered for an update appointment to date. These appointments are a unique opportunity to have SentriLock update your entire inventory at once, rather than spending more time and energy to do it yourself.

I’m also shocked that less than 200 members have completely updated their inventory at this point. Even if you haven’t experienced any problems with your boxes, you need to update the firmware as soon as possible to prevent potential issues.

As a quick refresher, there are two methods to update your lockboxes:

SentriLock upgrade event – April 5 to 13

SentriLock is sending up a support team to help CREB® members complete their updates. you’ll be able to attend an update appointment at a few locations throughout the city between April 5 and 13.

Registration emails have been sent to every member who owns a box. Please click on the link provided in your email message to get registered today.

To make things even easier, you can also choose to send an assistant to attend the appointment on your behalf.

Manual update – available now

Everyone has the ability to update their inventory manually following a simple process on the SentriSmart™ app. If you’ve decided to update your inventory on your own, here’s a step by step video that might help you out.

We’ve mentioned previously that members can also allow their lockboxes to update automatically through normal use, but we do not recommend taking this route. The risks to you, your business and your clients of not updating your inventory through one of the two methods listed above far outweigh the convenience that automatic updating may offer.

Now that SentriLock has nailed the solution down, it’s up to you to complete the update so we can collectively ensure the system is running at optimum, and prevent the possibility of any further negative public perception.


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