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Mar 3, 2017

Time is running out

We’re not going to beat around the bush—ROAR nominations close in less than a week, which means it’s time to take action and nominate a deserving peer. 

Here’s the deal, the ROAR Awards were developed specifically for you— our REALTOR® members. They symbolize what it means to be a top performer and recognize those who demonstrate the highest standards of professionalism and industry expertise. These folks are truly special, and we know they’re out there, quietly crushing it for their clients time after time.

Let’s bring the noise and let them know those exceptional efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. The submission process is simple. Complete your nomination by visiting before March 8. Answer each of the three questions and hit submit—that’s it, you’re done!

Remember that any member can nominate, or be nominated, and the awards are inclusive to everyone in the local industry.

If you have any question at all, please contact Member Experience manager, Paula Knetsch, at or 403-781-1306.


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