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Matrix tip

May 9, 2017

CDOM on agent reports

Thank you for your feedback! Over 800 members responded to the CDOM (Cumulative Days on Market) poll question and agreed to keep the stat on Matrix™ agent reports and displays.

CDOM refers to the total number of days a property’s been listed on the MLS® System. The calculation equals the total days on market for all listings with the same LINC number, which were active (or sold or terminated) within the last 30 days of each listing expiry.

For example, if a property was not sold, and then was taken off the MLS® System and relisted within 30 days, the CDOM calculation will include the days on market from the previous listing. 

Out of the poll respondents, there were 584 members (72 per cent) who wanted to keep the calculation and 230 (28 per cent) who responded “no” or “indifferent”.

Please note, CDOM is only listed on agent reports and displays and is not shared on client reports.

For more information and discussion on CDOM, please check out the CREB®Chat article “Is CDOM junk data?” by CEO Alan Tennant.


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