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David P Brown CREB®Chat

Oct 6, 2017

ROAR: recognition and recall

A big part of responsible board management is making the tough calls, especially when something isn’t performing the way it was intended.

Recently, your directors took a long, hard look at the Recognizing Our Accomplished REALTORS® (ROAR) awards and decided to end the program. 

Before I go any further, please note: we’ve already reached out to our past ROAR winners, sponsors and committee volunteers to share the news. 

However, I also want to publicly thank them and all the members who supported this program through standing for nomination, volunteering on a committee, or attending the event. Speaking of the event, I also want to thank all the great CREB® staff that poured their energy into ROAR and for consistently delivering one of the best events of the year. Good intentions about ROAR were never a problem.

In fact, the genesis for ROAR came from the right place and the goal behind the program was good: let’s find a way to recognize professionalism and reward other types of excellence within our industry, besides sales. This made a lot of sense since increasing competency and professionalism is something our members consistently say they want. 

Unfortunately, the program itself never really took hold with the membership the way the we had hoped, perhaps because it wasn’t as black and white as determining merit by sales. Even the amazing event we put on wasn’t enough to drive attendance from the wider membership, or get past attendees to come back and celebrate in greater numbers in subsequent years. 

Being a High-Performance Organization means we go for it at CREB® – we continuously improve what we do. Sunsetting ROAR makes a lot of sense for the reasons I mentioned above, but it also give us the time and space to think about what member recognition should look like in the future.

As they say back home, “Wait a fair wind and you’ll get one.” Translated from Newfie that means if you wait a bit, the opportunity will come to you. 

So for now, we’ll take a bit of a breather so we can take that next opportunity to recognize our members.


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