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CREBNow Sept.

Sep 1, 2017

Get to SOLD this September

September is the busiest month in most REALTORS®' calendars. Getting your listings sold before the leaves start flying is a big priority – and the CREB® Business Development Team have the tools you need to help you get your listings in front of the right audience.

CREB®Now's September issues are some of the years’ most popular. With topics designed to attract new home buyers and buyers looking to upgrade or make a major change in their living arrangements, your key audiences are going to be reading:

  • Sept. 8 & 15 - Home Buying 101: New home buyers remain one of the most active demographics in Calgary's market, and for two weeks straight CREB®Now is focusing on ensuring that they have the right tools – and the right people – to help them find their first place;
  • Sept. 22 - Home and Design: Coinciding with Calgary's popular Fall Home Show, this issue features interviews with leading design experts and features the hottest trends in home design; and
  • Sept. 29 – Small Spaces: From tiny homes to sub-500 sq. ft. condos, Calgary's home buyers are looking for big things from small spaces. CREB®Now breaks down how living small can mean big things for buyers

September Special Offers for CREB® Members and Builders

We don't want you to miss out on your chance to get increased visibility on your listings with the most trusted name in real estate news. This September, we're offering special rates for CREB®members:

  • Two Week Early Bird Price (Starting from $709): Book any two issues by Sept. 8 and receive a 20% discount off the regular ad price (1/4 page or bigger);
  • Two Week Price (Starting from $753): Book any two issues by Sept. 15 and receive a 15% discount off the regular ad price (1/4 page or bigger);
  • Four Week Price (Starting from $249/wk): Book four issues by Sept. 1 and receive a 1/6 page ad for a total cost of $996; and
  • Builder/Developer Special (Starting from $895/issue): Book 4 issues of display advertising (1/2 page ad or bigger) and CREB®Now will provide one free advertorial feature of the same size on your   project to be published alongside your display ad.

Why advertise with CREB®Now?

CREB®Now's affordability and reach are unparalleled. With these issues, 76,695 copies of CREB®Now will be inserted in the Calgary Herald home subscriber editions for Calgary and area. Another 9,500 copies each week (38,000) will be on stands at brokerage offices, local grocery and convenience stores and more locations throughout Calgary and area.  

Maximize your marketing dollars with CREB®Now advertising. To explore what CREB®Now solutions would work best for you, call our Business Development team at (403) 263-4940 or email us at


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