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Sep 8, 2017

Getting in hot water


The shift to energy efficient homes is on! Thanks to Green Energy Futures, you can provide clients with timely insider knowledge that will add value to their home-ownership experience.

Green Energy Futures’ new four-part Smart Home Series features videos, podcasts, blogs and photos that cover today’s high-profile areas in home efficiency.

Read the first blog post below and keep your eye open for more content from the Smart Home Series this fall!

Smart Homes Series: Part 1 – Choosing the best high efficiency water heater

A typical hot water heater accounts for about one fifth of the energy used in most Canadian homes. Choosing the right hot water heater can have a huge impact, both financially and environmentally—especially as energy prices and carbon levies continue to rise.

Many of us still choose conventional, gas-fired hot water tanks, because they’re cheapest—or, are they? Over its lifespan, the initial price of your hot water heater can represent as little as 12 per cent of its overall cost. The other 88 per cent is energy.

For that 88 per cent, home-owners want to get the biggest bang for their buck.

Want to know which water heaters rule the land? Visit Green Energy Futures' blog for the full story. 


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