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Sep 1, 2017

Monthly sessions are back

Summer holidays may be over, but there’s still two things goin’ for you: we’re still breaking 30+ degrees and our monthly PD sessions are back… for now.

And when we say “for now,” it’s not because the programs are going to be taken behind the barn, but because they sell out fast. 

How fast, you ask? We’re not talking months, weeks or days. Nope. Our Elevate your Business and Wise Wednesday sessions tend to fill up in a matter of hours.

Now that we’ve planted the seed of urgency in your head, let’s take a look at what’s coming up over the next few months:

Communications 101: Effectively find and share your story
Elevate your Business
Sept. 26, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m

Running your own business can be overwhelming, daunting and expensive. What’s your brand? Who are you trying to reach? What is the story you are telling? These are all important questions to answer as you develop your business. 

Communications 101 is a hands-on workshop designed to guide you down the right path. We will work to find your brand and niche, develop key messages and establish a basic communications strategy, all without spending excessive amounts of money. 

Areas that will be covered include:

  • Establishing your brand;
  • Key message development;
  • How to build a basic, integrated communications plan;
  • Editorial content and planning (project management tool options); and
  • Stakeholder relations.
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The face of foreclosure: Help clients navigate financial distress
Wise Wednesday
Oct. 11, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Property foreclosure can be a complicated and confusing experience for a homeowner. Many people are not familiar with what legal options they may have and what court processes they must follow.

Join Dale Koeller and Kevin MacGregor as they outline how to work with, and keep, foreclosure listings and clients. This session is a general overview of the foreclosure process and how it may affect property owners, and the options clients have to save their home from this process.

The session will cover how to:

  • Help homeowners to seek help and not avoid the issue;
  • Directly aid clients in finding legal help and a mortgage broker for options;
  • Act to sell the property with you as their agent; and
  • Help clients connect to the right contacts to rebuild credit and turn them into a buyer in a shorter time.

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Work-life balance is BS: Here’s how to create a delicious life
Elevate your Business
Oct. 31, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Information, new ideas and strategies on work-life balance are amazing, but if you don’t take action you never see the change you want. In this Elevate your Business session, members will join Michelle Carre to get a clear idea on what they want out of their life and act upon it to get there.

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Network for success: Avoid fatigue and make the most of your time and effort
Elevate your Business

Nov. 28, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Most business professionals, especially REALTORS®, understand that networking is crucial to the success of their business—so they network… a lot. 
In most cases, people spend a lot of time, money and effort with little result to show. The question is not whether you should even bother, but rather how to do it effectively, maximizing the return on your networking investment.

In this workshop, you will learn simple, practical and informative tips to significantly improve your networking effectiveness. This training will ultimately lead to more business, all while saving you time and energy.

Register now

You may notice that there are no Wise Wednesdays for September or November, but that’s because those were reserved for member who completed their Mandatory training before specific dates.

If you have any questions, email our Professional Development team at or call 403-781-5454.


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