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Apr 13, 2018

Daffodil month and health tips


The daffodil is a symbol of strength and courage in the fight against cancer. This year marks the Canadian Cancer Society’s 60th anniversary and REALTORS® are encouraged to join the fight against cancer.

A life-threatening illness can strike at any age and at any time during a REALTORS® career. The Critical Illness Benefit Society (CIBS) offers a one-time, tax free benefit of $12,500 for CREB® members who are facing hardships associated with medical costs due to a life-threatening illness. CIBS is here to help CREB® members in their greatest time of need.

Here are health and wellness tips provided by Alberta Health Services to help members live healthy lives.

Feel better through fitness 

Fitness helps you feel better and have more energy for work and leisure time. You'll feel more able to do things like playing with your kids, gardening, dancing, or biking.

When you stay active and fit, you burn more calories, even when you're at rest. Being fit lets you do more physical activity and helps you manage your weight.

Improving your fitness is good for your heart, lungs, bones, muscles, and joints. And it lowers your risk for falls, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers.

Being more fit also can help you to sleep better, handle stress better, and keep your mind sharp.

Healthy meals

Building a healthy meal helps you meet your nutrient needs. Try this step-by-step guide when planning your meal:

  • Start with a plate; fill half of it with vegetables.
  • Fill the other side with grain products and a meat or alternate (beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu or eggs).
  • Use whole grains (brown rice, wild rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa, or barley).

Set yourself up to eat more vegetables and fruit:

  • Stock up on frozen or canned types
  • When cooking/preparing meals make sure half the ingredients are vegetables and fruit.
  • Keep fruit on the table for a “grab and go” snack.
  • Cut vegetables and have them in see-through containers at eye-level so you quickly grab and eat.

Choose healthy drinks

Adults need about 9-12 cups (2.25-3L) of fluid each day. What we drink can affect our dental health, weight and overall health. It’s important to stay hydrated but avoid choosing drinks with added sugar or caffeine.

Be tobacco free

Reducing or quitting tobacco use is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

Tobacco use is still the number one cause of preventable death and disability world-wide and is linked to many illnesses, including heart attack, stroke, diabetes, pulmonary disease and many others. 

When you quit using tobacco, no matter how old you are, you will decrease your risk of these health problems. 

For help with quitting, see below:

Keep you eye on CREB®Talk for more health and wellness tips and help us spread the word about CIBS.


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