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Blood Dono

Apr 13, 2018

Give a little, gain a lot

According to CREA, the Canadian REALTOR® community gave more than $109.6 million to charity from 2012 to 2016. It’s a staggering number that shows when we give a little, we gain a lot.

Think about all the possible ripple effects of these industry investments. For many non-profit organizations, it could be the final piece of revenue that’s needed to fully fund a core program.

This program could be part of a major service offering that provides new housing options for families, which in turn sets the stage for families to have stability, for kids to go to school and purse a productive and happy life.

Imagine our collective impact when we factor in all the industry volunteer work.

We have many fabulous examples of CREB® members making philanthropic contributions to our local community—but also an equal number of sweat equity hours to support major fundraising campaigns and grassroots activity.

Take Robyn Moser from RE/MAX Realty Professionals, who is currently trying to propel fellow CREB® members, in her case, mostly female REALTORS®, to consider donating to Canadian Blood Services.

Her message is simple, “It’s everyone’s responsibility to give blood — just give.”

Of course, these things are always a personal choice, so if you’re moved to action, please reach out to Robyn and her chorus of supporters who will give blood on April 26.

We also have our own cast of blood donors in-house here at CREB®. CEO Alan Tennant is one of those people and he spoke about his experience earlier this week.

“Rona and I are regulars at Canadian Blood Services. We do plasma and sometimes platelet donations and our team at CREB® has participated in some group donation activities as well.”

“. . . from my perspective, any reason to raise awareness of the importance of blood donations is a good one,” said Tennant.

So, what’s your passion? Boots on the ground or dollars in the door?


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