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CREB Chat Tome Westcott

Apr 20, 2018

They said Yes!

We asked for more efficiency, more nimbleness, more opportunity to build a framework that allows for more efficiency and innovation in our industry.

This was the baseline for a motion that CREB® co-sponsored to have direct membership in CREA. At their AGM on Monday, April 16, the motion was approved.

After an intense and productive debate, the assembly Said Yes. It was a fantastic result, and the best outcome of the long day was that the high-level discussion centred on member service. After all, this is precisely why we endorsed change in the first place—to improve member value.

Now, the transition won’t be immediately apparent to all members, but we are already seeing a shift in thinking in our province. We were pleased that AREA called the Alberta delegation together shortly after CREA’s AGM. The mood of that gathering was clearly forward focused.

We are looking forward to establishing a new partnership culture with AREA and all Alberta boards that will produce a more integrated value proposition for you, the dues paying member.

Those in favour of the framework shared our belief that a new working relationship between boards and associations is needed.

Those opposed wondered why sponsoring boards would need an option to withdraw from their provincial associations, if they have no intention to do so. Our measured responses were that there are many documented examples of shared inefficiencies and an unwillingness to be true partners.

It was interesting to note that many of the concerns and opinions shared during our member engagement activities where also expressed by our peers from around the country, both pro and con.

We are looking beyond some troubling tactics that some of the “No” proponents deployed during the AGM and in the days before. Now is not the time to dwell, nor is it the time to labour over concerns that detract from our collective leadership responsibility.

The CREA bylaw and rule amendments set out a responsible framework in the event a local real estate board decides it is to their members benefit to apply for direct membership in CREA.

Your CREB® leadership continues to focus our efforts on enhancing our federation and seeking out new partnerships that reflect our culture of interdependence.

It is our expectation that the new world of shared accountability will provide greater transparency and value for your memberships. That is our pledge to you.



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