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strategic plan

Aug 10, 2018

And we're off!


Our 2018-2020 strategic plan is full steam ahead with new milestones reached in CREB®’s 75th year.

The work to deliver on CREB®’s mission and strategic priorities is what guides us to solid goal achievement year-after-year, and the first half of 2018 was no different.

CREB®’s Board of Directors is pleased to report on these successes in the 2018 mid-year update.

Here are a few notable outcomes: 

  • CREB® celebrated 75 years of meeting members’ evolving needs on Jan. 26.
  • There was a remarkable 38 per cent response rate on our member needs assessment survey, with a strong 4 per cent increase in member satisfaction to 72 per cent.
  • CREB®Now exposure almost doubled with 42,500 copies distributed weekly through our new distribution partner – Star Metro Calgary. 
  • The inaugural Diamond Gala was held on May 30, celebrating 75 years of success while honouring our long service, board builders, honourary life, REALTOR® of the Year - T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award and the new Marilyn Jones, Volunteer of the Year Award recipients. 
  • After spirited debate at CREA’s AGM, the motion to enable direct board membership to CREA was passed.
  • CREB® Charitable Foundation announced a 3-year, $1M partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Southern Alberta.
  • There were 295 volunteer hours logged in support of CREB® Charitable Foundation initiatives with organizations such as Camp Kindle, Habitat for Humanity builds, and Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids.

We’re curious to know, which first half outcome had the most impact on you? Leave your comments below!

About our strategic plan:

The foundation for CREB®’s high-performance success is our comprehensive strategic plan. Our 2018-2020 strategic plan establishes a mission and vision that reinforce our emphasis on members and their needs. It also defines our five priorities of focus – members, stakeholders, internal systems, financial and people.


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