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cibs ride for cancer

Aug 23, 2018

Ride to Conquer Cancer Conclusion

This year marked the tenth anniversary of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer. CREB®Talk has been following two members Ted Greenhough and Eric Dennis during their lead up to The Ride. 

Over $8 million was raised despite the event being canceled part way through due to air quality and smoke. More than 1,800 cyclists were expected to participate, but good health is always at the forefront of these events. 


Ted- In 2014,  I was really out of shape and I felt like I needed this to be part of a long-term health plan for me. Then, within a few days of making the commitment to the team for the 2015 ride, I promptly went out and tore my meniscus and ACL in my knee!

That was a set-back for sure, but I was determined, and I started training for the ride in early 2015. I lost around 25 pounds, and I’ve kept it off ever since, largely due the knowledge that I’ve got to be ready for this ride every summer! I most definitely have a healthier lifestyle ever since I made the commitment to The Ride, so perhaps The Ride is saving lives in more ways than one.

Currently I work out with a trainer once a week, and I try to go on bike rides 2-3 times a week. Honestly, you do not need to be some kind of elite athlete to do this. I still weigh 200 lbs and I’m barely 5’8”, so not exactly what one thinks about when they envision those long-legged Tour de France fellows…

Eric- The training is going well so far but its a challenge to find enough time in the day so I get up at 5:30and do around 20 km each day. It's an awesome way to start the day and just enjoy some quiet time away from the daily things life brings us.

Personal Benefits

Ted- Besides the obvious health benefits, I’ve discovered some unexpected benefits as well.  The Ride is truly a team bonding experience.  It’s hard to describe the feeling of accomplishment that we all share but suffice to say it’s a highly emotional experience, and I’ve made several lifelong friendships with my teammates who have shared that experience with me.  I also find that those long training rides are beneficial in more ways than one.  As REALTORS®, we don’t get much down time, but I use my training rides to just think sometimes, and I often am able to make important decisions that are difficult to make under the pressure of the daily grind.

I’ll admit here that I first joined for largely selfish reasons (to get in better shape), but in retrospect, this has been one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made.  If there are any other REALTORS® out there interested in learning more, you know where to find me.  I’m happy to meet with any one of you, any time. You will also become a more well-rounded person.  You’re doing something that is benefiting society, and I believe that adds noticeably to your character and how others see you as a person.

Eric- On a personal level I'm more aware of what I eat and in way better shape, also my kids see me set a goal, train and accomplish the goal. Now my daughter wants to do the ride and as a father, I feel we have to lead by example.

Thank you to Ted and Eric for letting us follow their journey.


One in two Albertans will hear the words ‘you have cancer’ in their lifetime. That’s 42 Albertans every day. CREB® has a critical illness benefit for members who are diagnosed with a critical life-threatening illness. Click here to watch our new CIBS video.


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