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Feb 2, 2018

CREB®Now is moving to Metro!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it – and so will your next buyers! Starting Apr. 6, 2018, CREB®Now will be printed and distributed in the Friday edition of Metro Calgary

This shift follows an extensive RFP process, where CREB®'s Business Development and Communications staff looked at key criteria that will help CREB®Now continue to thrive, including a more effective distribution model, pick-up reporting metrics, and cost competitiveness. 

Metro means more eyes – and more buys.

Metro is, by any objective measurement, the number one newspaper in Calgary every weekday, including:

  • #1 with readers looking to make a real estate purchase in the next year;
  • #1 with home-owners;
  • #1 with renters;
  • #1 with adults (age 18-49) = age of acquisition;
  • #1 with men and women;
  • #1 with future homebuyers; and
  • #1 with white- and blue-collar readers.

It reaches more readers than any other paper and is number one in readership across all the demographics in the age of home purchasing, including more than 57 per cent of readers between the ages of 18 and 49.  

Metro's proposal was stronger in nearly every one of our evaluation criteria categories. Ultimately, CREB®'s board of directors approved the change because Metro can give CREB®Now a larger and more effective reach at a competitive price point.

Moving to Metro gives CREB®Now 10 times the distribution.

The move to Metro will allow CREB®Now to be viewed by more readers than ever before. 57.7 per cent of Metro readers do not read the Calgary Herald; 43.2 per cent do not read the Calgary Sun; 32.3 per cent do not read the Calgary Sun or the Calgary Herald.

Metro Calgary has more than 3,775 distribution points across Calgary, compared to the Herald's existing distribution model, which has only 347.

For readers in surrounding communities, CREB®Now will continue to be distributed in our news racks in Okotoks, Cochrane and Airdrie and other rural locations.

In addition, more than 95 per cent of Metro's papers are picked up and read every day. Metro readership compounds faster than their competitors, with each paper being read by an average of 2.5 readers. That means our 42,500 papers distributed will be viewed by 106,250 or more readers per week.

Moving to the Friday edition of Metro also means that CREB®Now will remain on the Metro newsstands all weekend, giving advertisers three days for the price of one.

Check out the latest Media Kit on the CREB® Business Development website or call 403-263-4940.



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