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Feb 9, 2018

CREB®Now to have 10x the distribution starting April 6

When CREB®Now moves its distribution to Metro Calgary on April 6, it will be moving to the number one paper in Calgary with home-buyers and -sellers, giving CREB® members an opportunity to get in front of the right audience.

This change will add more value to every member who lists or advertises in the paper, but the power of Metro isn’t just having the right audience – it’s also about getting more copies of CREB®Now into more hands than ever before.

Every Friday, Metro publishes more than 64,000 copies of their paper, which remains in the market for three days. CREB®Now will accompany more than 42,500 copies of this paper every week, rotating between a North plus Downtown Core distribution and a South plus Downtown Core distribution.

This is a dramatic shift from CREB®Now’s current distribution with the Calgary Herald; the Herald’s entire distribution is 40,019 papers, and CREB®Now is only included in copies in one quadrant a week. By moving to Metro, CREB®Now is getting nearly four times as many papers to Calgarians every week.

Getting more papers out is great news for CREB® members, but getting them read is even better. Metro’s model is built to distribute to as many readers as possible, reaching people where they are every weekday – in cafés, on transit, in strategic green boxes at key points throughout the city, and hand-delivered by Metro promoters at key points on Calgarians’ morning commute. Metro Calgary has more than 3,775 distribution points across Calgary, compared to the Herald’s existing distribution model, which has only 347.


This model works, with more than 95 per cent of Metro’s papers picked up and read every day. Metro readership compounds faster than their competitors, with each paper being read by an average of 2.5 readers. That means our 42,500 papers distributed will be viewed by 106,250 or more readers every week.

Because Metro Calgary is free, there are no barriers to entry for readership. 57.7 per cent of Metro readers do not read the Calgary Herald; 43.2 per cent do not read the Calgary Sun; 32.3 per cent do not read the Calgary Sun or the Calgary Herald. By moving to Metro, CREB®Now will remain in the market for three days for the price of one.

For readers in surrounding communities, CREB®Now will continue to be distributed in our news racks in Okotoks, Cochrane and Airdrie and other rural locations.

If you’re looking for more information on advertising in CREB®Now, download the latest Media Kit on the CREB® Business Development website or call (403) 263-4940.


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