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David P Brown CREB®Chat

Jan 19, 2018


Every January the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) holds their Annual General Meeting for all Alberta REALTORS®.  This is the best opportunity for members to be in front of our association and ask any related questions.

Normally held in Banff during the Banff Western Connection, Calgary or Edmonton, these locations allow for easy access and adequate accommodations for most members in the province who wish to attend. 

Well, not this year! Our AREA friends are hosting it way up north in Grande Prairie on Friday, Jan. 26.  

Don’t get me wrong, GP is a wonderful city with lots of charm and friendliness, but holding this important event so far away from over 80 per cent of its members has proven to be problematic. 

Many of you have voiced to me you would like to attend, but will not make the long drive. However, this does not hold true for your board of directors. We will travel to GP to represent you and bring fourth constructive questions to our association. From there, we will relay back to you the work AREA has been doing and what its future entails. 

Please take a moment and respond to this rant and leave a question or two you would like asked. 

We look forward to your comments and to represent any concerns you may have at the AREA AGM. 

David P. Brown, CREB® president

PS: Next year I vote to move it to Hawaii.


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